Monday, December 31, 2007

PJ speaks the truth

Pigeon John has been one of my favorite artists for a while now. It's not just for his ability to make quality music, but also for the fact that he's not afraid to be vulnerable.

As 2007 comes to a close, and 2008 looms on the horizon it's only fitting to look back and evaluate everything. No matter what's going on, it's all good. Seriously. It's okay not to feel okay all the just gotta keep on that grind.

I think he puts it best here:

"Know that God loves you and has put a secret weapon in you for the world to see. There will be trials and victories until we die. And although we are pulled to and fro, tempted to live in the past of the good old days, or to live in the fear and anxiety for the future--we must stand and breathe slow. Now is the time, it's never too late."

-from his book of poems South Bay Blues

HANDLE homie. Life goes on.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

it's real just like the moon landing.

there's no blame to place for the ways that we've changed
no need to explain that nothing's the same
it's expected and respected because nothing remains
progression and investing in the future makes it all worthwhile in the end
so, we keep on trudging through the facts of life
asking why, we keep on doing what we can and try to pass it off as right
more often than not the rotten plot that we try to concoct
blows up in our faces and leaves us caught
in scary situations, backward pacing, recounting and then we're footstep tracing
hoping to get back to simpler times when i could make you crack a smile
it's crazy how i long for just second just to go back a while
i lack the style to make it all okay without having to resort to acting wild

real like...

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Friday, December 28, 2007

Aw c'mon!

I had a very interesting AIM conversation with my friend Carlo. It went a little something like this (actually EXACTLY like this 'cause I saved it!):

carlothemantan (1:53:17 AM): sup niga
intellect slang (1:54:28 AM): nothing much
intellect slang (1:54:30 AM): chilling
intellect slang (1:54:31 AM): you
carlothemantan (1:54:07 AM): nothin man
carlothemantan (1:54:13 AM): chillin as well
intellect slang (1:55:27 AM): cool
intellect slang (1:55:31 AM): how was urrr day
carlothemantan (1:56:53 AM): aw don't be gay man
